Nancy Fancy Stamping Customer Appreciation Card


   Void Nancy Fancy Stamping Customer Appreciation Card

You are very important to me. To show you how much you mean to me, I offer a Nancy Fancy Stamping Customer Appreciation Card.

For every $50.00 in Products (before Shipping & Handling & Taxes) you purchase, you will receive one punch. When you receive 10 punches, you will receive $25.00 FREE Product on your next purchase.

The FREE Products don’t count towards your next Nancy Fancy Stamping Customer Appreciation Card. The amounts aren't cumulative. Only orders in increments of $50.00 will qualify for a punch. The Nancy Fancy Stamping Customer Appreciation Card will expire 1 year after the completion and there is No Cash Value. Also, it isn't transferable to some one else.

To take advantage of this offer the order has to be placed through me; because at this time, there is no way I can give you a discount when YOU place the order online.

The $25.00 FREE Merchandise can be used towards a class.

Why not contact me today to place an order and you will be on your way to $25.00 in FREE Products in no time.


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